Bill Gates wants $1 billion annually to prevent next pandemic

Bill Gates wants $1 billion annually to prevent next pandemic
Bill Gates, Microsoft guy-turned-COVID-19 expert, said he knows how to prevent the next pandemic — but it’ll cost you $1 billion annually. No joke. He’s putting into play the next wave of virus lockdowns; the next stage of health emergency orders; the next phase of seizing individual liberties from supposedly free American citizens. Gates, at the TIME 100 Summit...

Democrats feeling the folly of George Soros-tied district attorneys

Democrats feeling the folly of George Soros-tied district attorneys
It’s no secret billionaire George Soros has been tossing millions of dollars into district attorneys’ races around the nation, with the intent to slide some of his socialist ideas into local communities — specifically, to reform the justice system so that criminals run free and victims, well, victims are then victimized again and again. But what is new is...

George Soros primes super PAC to buy 2022 midterms

George Soros primes super PAC to buy 2022 midterms
The nonprofit money-in-politics tracker OpenSecrets just reported “Democratic mega-donor George Soros is currently the top individual super PAC donor for the 2022 midterm election.” This is not the least bit surprising. Democrats can’t win on ideas. So they turn to their cash cows for support.  George Soros regularly interferes in elections in which he has no personal stake. This is the real tragedy of...