Franklin Graham’s Inaugural Prayer for Trump Under Fire From Muslims

Franklin Graham’s Inaugural Prayer for Trump Under Fire From Muslims

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has sent Donald Trump a strongly worded statement about the planned prayers of Franklin Graham during inaugural ceremonies, telling the president-elect he should strike the Christian leader from the line-up – that he’s too “extremist” and anti-Islam.

Graham has been critical of Islam, calling it an “evil” and a “wicked religion.” And he has called for a curb on immigraton from mostly Muslim nations, an entreaty he said was aimed at securing U.S. national security in the face of rising terrorism, but that CAIR and other Muslim groups have likened to Islamophobia.

Trump, meanwhile, has asked Graham to be part of a six-person assembly of those of different faiths to offer prayers and readings during the inaugural event.

Nihad Awad, CAIR’s national executive director, called Graham’s participation a travesty.

“If President-elect Trump truly seeks to unite our nation as he promised in his acceptance speech, he will limit the list of those offering prayers at the inauguration to religious leaders who work to bring us together, not to create divisions between faiths,” Awad said. “Rev. Grahama’s ill-informed and extremist views are incompatible with the Constitution and with American values of religious liberty and inclusion.”


Graham on Facebook explained his views in a Dec. 9, 2015 post:

“Research shows that there are 2.75 million Muslims living in the U.S. According to a poll commissioned by the Center for Security Policy, 51% of Muslims living in America believe “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to sharia” (Islamic law) instead of the U.S. Constitution. 29% agree that violence against those who insult Mohammad is acceptable, and 25% agree that violence against America can be justified as part of global jihad. Among males under the age of 45, that number rises to 36%. And 29% of males under 45 believe that violence against America is justified in order to make Sharia the law of the land. This is frightening.

“Our politicians are not listening to the truth—my prayer is that God will open their eyes. This affects our security and the future of our nation.”

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One thought on “Franklin Graham’s Inaugural Prayer for Trump Under Fire From Muslims

  1. Dr. Graham tells the SPEAKS the truth about Islam!
    Wake-up before its to late!
    Sanctuary Cities whose Mayors, who do not follow directives from the
    White House, should be charged treason!

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