American Exceptionalism at risk as Christianity losing ranks

American Exceptionalism at risk as Christianity losing ranks
If recent religion trends continue, the population of self-professing Christians in America will fall below the 50% level by the year 2070, Pew Research Center predicted in a newly released report. There goes America’s freedoms. There goes American Exceptionalism. Why? In summation: If America’s exceptionalism comes from the idea that individual rights come from God and government...

FDA boldly bows to Big Pharma at Americans’ expense

FDA boldly bows to Big Pharma at Americans’ expense
A Wall Street Journal headline went this way: “Latest Covid Boosters Are Set to Roll Out Before Human Testing Is Completed.” And with that goes the last of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s ethics. The FDA doesn’t even bother to hide its embrace of Big Pharma will any longer, does it? “The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the...