Quitting your job? Shh — technology may tattle

Quitting your job? Shh — technology may tattle
IBM has developed artificial intelligence that can predict, with a reported 95 percent accuracy, when employees are just about to quit their jobs. Super snoopy surveillance? Or smart technology that can actually benefit both business and employee? The jury’s still out. It’s all in the ultimate application. The justification for the “predictive attrition program,” as...

Google shutters A.I. ethics board after LGBTQs attack conservatives

Google shutters A.I. ethics board after LGBTQs attack conservatives
Google dissolved and disbanded its artificial intelligence ethics advisory board, just a week or so after its creation. Why? In brief: Heritage Foundation. In brief, the LGBTQ movement couldn’t stand the thought of a conservative on the council, so the LGBTQ movement did what it always does: It cried and petitioned and unleashed a public...

Twitter’s ‘Unplanned’ censor ‘error’ a sign of immoral times

Twitter’s ‘Unplanned’ censor ‘error’ a sign of immoral times
A true-life movie of a former Planned Parenthood executive who changed her views of abortion and jumped into the pro-life camp was just released to both box office fanfare and Twitter shunning. It’s a real left-right moment. A real showdown of left-right ideologies in culture and politics. On one hand, half in America are pulling...