The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country From the Beast in Washington

Want to know how to take back the country from the progressive and atheistic forces that are killing our culture and politics? Looking for pragmatic, practical solutions on how to put God back in charge of our country? It’s all here, in Cheryl’s new book: THE DEVIL IN DC: WINNING BACK THE COUNTRY FROM THE…Continue reading The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country From the Beast in Washington

Obama’s Marine Monument a Backdoor U.N. Press for Ocean Domination

President Obama recently created the Atlantic Oceans first Marine Monument.   Missed the announcement? Entirely understandable. It came while most American eyes were turned to the latest terrorist bombings on U.S. soil, in New York and New Jersey.   But it’s important to circle back and take a deeper look at this declaration, coming as…Continue reading Obama’s Marine Monument a Backdoor U.N. Press for Ocean Domination

Satanic Temple Gets OK for After-School Club for Elementary Kids

If this isn’t proof positive of the demise of America, then what is? The Portland chapter of the Satanic Temple – a reference that’s significant in itself, as it shows a plurality and therefore, growth of organized Satanism in America – has just won an accommodation from school officials to offer an after-school club for…Continue reading Satanic Temple Gets OK for After-School Club for Elementary Kids