Christian University in Texas Opens Prayer Room for Muslim Students

Christian University in Texas Opens Prayer Room for Muslim Students

OK, correct me if I’m wrong – but aren’t Christian colleges supposed to serve the Christian population?

Thought so. But apparently, the times they are a’changing, and at one Christian college in Texas, have truly a’changed.

The school, the Methodist-tied McMurry University in Abilene Texas, has now created a safe space for Muslim students to pray. Yes, you read that right. The followers of Islam at this Christian college have been given their own prayer room.

Not to speak to the obvious, but: Why?

An image posted on the official college web pages for McMurry University makes clear the school is Christian, and caters to the Christian community.

Muslim students, prior to the special room’s creation, had to go off-campus, to a nearby hotel. to pray, the College Fix reported.

So a student, Joe Yousef, who heads up the college’s Saudi Student Club, petitioned school officials to provide an on-campus space for the 60 or so Muslims who attend the school.

And the college did.

“On Friday, we get together and sometimes we have to go home to pray and we need to be in university so we don’t have time to go home,” Yousef said, the College Fix reported.

Hmm. But. The. School. Is. Christian.

So why would Muslims want to go there anyway?

The only reason that comes to mind is that the Muslim students and their families want to change America from the inside, by professing a desire to assimilate but then, once in the doors, demanding special privileges and accommodations.

This is how, for example, Muslims in the city of Hamtramck, Michigan, won the right to blast their calls to prayer over the Ideal Islamic Center sound systems five times a day, despite the widespread objections of nearby Senior Plaze apartment residents who described the volume level as intrusive and overbearing.

But on a Christian college campus, such trickery seems even more egregious because, at root, it trains the supposed next generation of faith leaders that Islam is equal in the eyes of God – a faith, a religion, a worship that’s just as good as any other.

“Being Christians,” said one student, speaking to about the matter, “we should be open to free religion and letting everyone do what they want to do and I think the Muslim prayer room gives them that

Some in the Christian community might see quite a bit wrong with that statement, beginning with the notion that doing whatever one wants is part and parcel of the teachings of Jesus – and ending, once again, with the
question: Why is a Christian college making accommodations for the Islam faith?

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