Muslim-on-Christian Murder Rate a Shock to Sanity

Muslim-on-Christian Murder Rate a Shock to Sanity

In 2016, Christians were more persecuted than any other religious denomination around the world.

Mainstream media types may focus on the fact that North Korea and other dictatorial governments were responsible for the greatest number of acts of persecution against those of the Christian faith.

But an uglier truth is this: “Islamists killed an estimated 30,000 Christians worldwide last year, out of a total of 90,000 Christians murdered for their faith,” the Clarion Project reported, citing a new study from the Center for Studies on new Religions in Turin, Italy.

Did you catch that significance? Not only were 90,000 Christians killed solely for their faith in 2016, the study found. But a third were killed by Muslims.

That doesn’t seem to fall in line with the messaging Americans are being fed by members of the media, many of whom have been only too happy to toe the Obama administration line that the words radical and Islamic have no place next to each other in a sentence, or that any acts of violence against Christians that have taken place under his watch are mere random occurrences.

Remember, this is the president whose legacy, in part, includes the fact the Christian population in Iraq has dropped from about 1.5 million in 2003 to around 275,000. Some experts predict there will be no Christians at all left in Iraq in the coming years. Can you say radical Islamic onslaught?

Not if you’re Obama. The outgoing commander-in-chief may not call ISIS a “JV” or junior varsity team any longer. But he steadfastly refuses to associate its members’ mission as aligned with Islamic beliefs, or bent on targeted Christian destruction.

In fact, Obama still doesn’t liken any acts of terror as rooted in Islamic faith – no, not even after tens of thousands of Christians were killed  in the last 12 months by Muslims for the simple reason of believing in Jesus. And after eight years, the president’s policies that flow from that mindset have certainly resonated around the world.

Look at this, from the Christian Post: “Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas church in Texas has argued that President Barack Obama has ‘blood on his hands’ for failing to address growing Christian persecution around the globe, which Jeffress argued comes down to Muslim anger at the historical Christian support for Jewish people.”

Jeffress also said Secretary of State John Kerry has similarly bloody hands and that under Obama’s watch, global tensions between Muslims and Jewish people, and those supporting Jews, have spiked. Case-in-point?

Obama did just shut tight his eyes as the United Nations passed a resolution demanding Israel quit its settlement building, a resolution that could have just as easily been vetoed by the United States. The startling betrayal, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Jewish state leaders characterized it, set America in the eyes of the world as a friend of the Palestinians, an ally of the anti-Israeli voices in the United Nations, a compadre of the long-suffering Muslim people in the region – all the while curiously ignoring the “death to Israel” chants that have traditionally emanated from those camps for years.

Obama’s been called everything from a Muslim sympathizer to a Muslim himself. But irrefutable is the fact he’s done very little to address the plight of Christians around the world, while reaching out wide-spread hands stuffed with taxpayer dollars to embrace and welcome into America and assist those of mostly Muslim faiths he sees as persecuted.

From Jeffress, once again: “I think Barack Obama thinks that Muslims are the ones being persecuted.”

No doubt. But the numbers tell a truer story. And 30,000 caskets, filled with Christian bodies at the hands of Islamic believers, speak pretty dang loud.


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2 thoughts on “Muslim-on-Christian Murder Rate a Shock to Sanity

  1. Ray

    Accurate, excellent and very well written! I am always informed, challenged and encouraged to be better informed myself so that I might communicate the “gospel” truth of the news to those who are interested in talking about the real issues of the day. Cheryl is one of the best writers-journalists I have ever read or followed. Keep up the great work!

    1. So nice of you to say — thank you and God bless!

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