The Christian Case for Donald Trump

The Christian Case for Donald Trump

So here we are at the 11th hour of this year’s presidential election, with the race for the White House being described as one of the most important decisions to determine the fate of the republic in recent, if not all-time, history. On one side, a political entrenched, Hillary Clinton, in all her pay-to-play glory. On the other, a political upstart, Donald Trump, in all his not-so-humble bombast.

And the Facebook page “Christians Against Trump” is still alive and thriving. Why?

Cut through all the jargon and what it comes down to is this: Christians who cite the Bible to justify staying home, or worse, voting for Clinton to send a sort of message to the Republican Party about dissatisfaction with this year’s GOP pick, are in part displaying fear. And with fear, there is no faith – a basic tenet of the Christian faith, along with love and hope.

What’s that fear whispering? It’s this, in its bluntest of forms: “I don’t want God mad at me.” Or, here’s a derivative: “How can I stand before Jesus and justify my vote for such a sinner as Trump?”

So the choice is to stay home?

That’s a cop-out. If the Bible teaches nothing else, it’s that God forgives. It’s time to pick up your cross – which right now is coming in the form of a White House ballot – and bear it to the polls to take a stand for the country that gives the First Amendment freedoms to speak freely about God in the first place. An evangelical walk-out of the political arena is in large part the reason our country’s headed down this socialist path in the first place; a furthered reluctance to take part in this world and pretend only to live above it is only going to make matters worse.

With Clinton comes open borders, government crackdown, corruption and the sort of secular leadership that will choke all public displays of Christianity. Sitting this one out just won’t do.

With Trump comes at least the chance at border control, the chance at a better Supreme Court nominee, the chance for a knock-down of Obamacare.

Let’s remember the war is to fight for God to lead and protect America, thereby reeling in government. Who will secure more successes in that fight – Trump or Clinton?

But, Christians say, Trump has spoken of women as objects, referred to the fairer gender in disgusting ways that outright offend the sensibilities of any sane follower of the faith. And indeed he has – maybe even worse than what David thought about the bathing Bathsheba, or what Solomon acted out with his hundreds of wives and concubines. So Trump’s been a dog, the term used by many a mother to warn her daughters against the plies of the majorities of males.

What’s Mrs. Clinton?

But, Christians say, Trump has stated publicly that he’s never asked Jesus to forgive him. True again, Trump did say that. The bigger question to Christians ought to be: Can God still work with that?

But, Christians say, Trump has flip-flopped on abortion, spoken ill of Hispanics and Muslims, lived a sordid past and done business with sordid entities, committed adultery and divorced, made comments that would have turned Jesus’ face red with anger, failed to pay debts owed contractors and employees, legally harassed and intimidated those who stood in the way of his business ventures, been accused of sexual harassment – and worse, because it shows an arrogance that the Bible teaches God hates, defended himself vociferously against all accusers.

Yes, indeed, that’s the story the media tells. But let’s circle back to the main point. Christians are told to live in this world, not of it. Part of still living in the world means fighting for those causes that advance God’s word and work. So here’s some advice for Christians hesitating to cast a ballot because of the perceived stomach-churning qualities of both main candidates. This election doesn’t have to be about voting for Trump. Rather, it could be about picking the candidate who’s most open to carrying forth God’s vision for the country. Have faith, God will understand.

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